#86 ― The Sound of English - Teaching English Pronunciation
1. blok

Přihlašování od 23.11.2018 10:00     10.11.2017    10:00 –  12:00    120 min

This workshop is intended to help English teachers use effective ways of Teaching Pronunciation in class. To begin with, a brief review of Phonics will be provided with special regard to Czech students. Individual sounds, word stress, sentence stress, intonation and linking will be discussed. Participants will be asked to identify and share problems that are likely to occur while teaching Czech students ESL. Effective communication / Intelligibility as the objective of Teaching Pronunciation will be discussed as well as a student´s first language interference with English pronunciation. A variety of techniques and useful tips for Teaching Pronunciation will be presented and participants will be asked to try out the techniques of their choice. As for feedback, participants will brainstorm ideas on which of the techniques could help them improve their TESL and why. 

Lucie Boudová

3–10 míst

Specifikace cílové skupiny
English Teachers - Elementary: Grades 3-9; High School

Vzdělávací cíl
Objectives: A better understanding of Phonics, identification of most frequent problems in TEP, sharing these issues with colleagues, acquisition of new techniques and their practical use in class.

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